Speaking of music, take a look at this impressive array of Provident Label Group artists and their songs that are part of FIREPROOF.
Third Day: Otherside; This Is Who I Am
Leeland: Brighter Days
Webster County: Help Me Love
Casting Crowns: Slow Fade
John Waller: While I’m Waiting
Grey Holiday: You Belong To Me
Warren Barfield: Love Is Not A Fight
As he did with FACING THE GIANTS, Mark Willard once again provides the movie’s score.
Just thought I'd let you know I linked to your blog and the website again today. I am giving away prizes for my 100th post including a $25 Regal gift card and I suggested that it be used to see your movie! It's going to be announced on CWO so hopefully it will drive some traffic! Can't wait to see the movie. Blessings to you.
I checked out the Warren Barfield video yesterday. It is awesome! I absolutley love that song. I can hardly wait for the movie to come out. Some people may wonder why a single girl is so excited about a movie about marriage, but I am excited about this movie because it is desperatly needed in our culture. I see so many people around me who have rushed to get married just to "be married" and now they are facing problems or are already divorced. I am praying that this movie touches the lives of married and single people and that eyes are opened to the fact that unless Christ is first, nothing works. I am also praying that through this movie marriages will be saved and people will turn to Christ. May God continue to bless you for spreading His Word "to the ends of the earth" in such an awesome way.
Albany, GA
I am promoting fireproof on my blog! Thank you for making this movie!
Chattanooga TN.
I love this song and video, you're awesome Warren! I have the Fireproof logo on my blog and can not wait to see the movie.
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