Monday, September 15, 2008

Great Blog Posts About FIREPROOF

There have been a series of great posts over the past few days from people that are excited about the September 26 opening of FIREPROOF. If you get a chance, be sure to read these:
Thanks for all of the kind words!


Helen said...

I have not yet seen the movie.
I am curious as to how many others in the central Wisconsin area are willing/eager to see this movie. Please email (or I'll try to check this ... blog thing)
thank you

wayosunali28 said...

I just recently purchased the book. 3 days ago from BAM and finished it on yesterday. It deffinetly keeps your attention, I sat and read for hours. I am looking forward to the movie coming out, cant wait to see it. I work in the field of EMS, and has seen the exact things in this book happen in real life! AWESOME book, and think everyone should take the time to read it!

Travis Yates said...

Ten Four Minsitries has reviewed the movie here:

I would like to thank everyone involved with this movie. We are providing free tickets to the first responders in the area on 9/27. The response so far has been amazing and I would like to personally thank Sherwood Pictures for this movie that glorifies God and has the potential to change thousands if not millions of lives.

Hisglory said...

As I type these words, my husband is filing for divorce. I want to thank these men for making a movie that supports marriage. It takes two to make a marriage work, and with Christ it never fails. With the world view as quite when it gets tough, they say keep pressing forward to the goal. Thank-you for supporting marriages.

Darren & Cassie said...

I just watched the trailer for Fireproof and right after the clip ended I got up with tears in my eyes and a humble heart I held my wife and apologized for not being the husband and father that I should be.
Now if a movie trailer effected me like that I can't imagine what the movie will be like. I am eager to find out and I'm sure I won't be the only "blubbering idiot" in the theater either and the florist in our town will be swamped with business from all of us "blubbering idiots".
I am excited and can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I posted about the movie today:

Can't wait for this weekend!

Randy and Cindy said...

Randy and Cindy said...
Hudsonville, Michigan
We just married 9-19-08, we loved Flywheel, and Facing The Giants, couldn't wait until Fireproof. We went to the opening day and we loved this movie the best. Wow such powerful messages we are receiving from all three. We are looking forward to purchasing the DVD. We are also going to purchase The Love Dare book and the couples set "To Fireproof My Marriage".We will continue to look for more information and movies directed by the Hendrix's. Thank-you so much for giving us the insight to a new life as a couple.

Randy and Cindy said...

Hudsonville, Michigan
We just married 9-19-08.
We truely loved Flywheel and Facing The Giants.We have been following Fireproof, and went to see it today 9-26-08. We loved this one most,and have learned some valuable lessons.We can not wait until this movie comes out on DVD.All three of this movies have given us much insight to Our Lord,and we are also going to Family Christian Store tomorrow to purchase The Love Dare book and the couples kit to "Fireproof My Marriage."Ladies pack the kleenex box.!! We think your awesome and are looking forward to much more information and movies from the Hendrix's. We want to thank-you for getting us both started into a new spirtual life together, as we both have came from broken marriages.We review Flywheel and Facing The Giants often when we wonder from the path.God Bless each of you and thank our Lord for loving us.

Blessed said...

Sara & Cliff
Mabank, Tx
I was drawn to the movie as a moth to flame; we went to see it on Saturday, 27. My husband went originally to humor me, but was so happy that he did. We laughed and cried and have talked a LOT about feelings, etc. I am telling everyone about this movie! What a wonderful gift these talented people gave to those who are struggling! Thank you from someone who KNOWS the pain of fighting and an unwanted divorce.