Friday, October 17, 2008

Who Knew?

Okay, admit it … you had little to no idea that Saturday, October 18 is Sweetest Day. ’Tis true. Now that you know, what will you do? Well, the FIREPROOF Blog has a suggestion: take your sweetie to see FIREPROOF this weekend! It will be a gift that you’ll both enjoy!

Okay, admit it … you had little to no idea that October is Clergy Appreciation Month. Again, ’tis true. So, what is a good way to show appreciation? How about FIREPROOF tickets for this weekend?

Sensing a theme here? Honestly though, how many movies are at theaters this weekend that not only affirm marriage but will also impact marriages? How many clergy members would not only benefit from the movie, but also then be able to encourage the entire congregation to experience the film?

Two celebrations, one movie: FIREPROOF. Now you know!


The Marine said...

This movie is impacting people everywhere. I am a marine, haven't cried in a long time, but this movie... this movie broke me down, it pulled on my heart, and it made me thing not only about my relationship with my girlfriend, but my relationship with my best friend, my boss, my parents (especially my mom). You guys are doing such a great thing by making movies, and I want to send my encouragement as a youth leader, and a proud Christian, keep up the good work! You guys are really awesome, and I know God is working through each and every one of you. Thank you for being willing to accept God's calling, and following his will.

TJ said...

My husband and I have seen your movie 3 times, we've cried and laughed all 3 times, we love this movie best! We've own Flywheel and Facing the Giants and love them both, but this one has made the most impact on us!!
My husband and I walked through his addiction with pornography and I'm so thankful were on the other side.
This year has been a year that he hasn't contributed much to the marriage, no matter what I did. I wondered if he really loved me. This movie has made such an impact on him. Thank you so much for making one for marriages and confronting issues that even the church doesn't want to deal with.

I'm so excited to see the numbers, I look every Monday to see how well the movie did, it shows hollywood that people want life changing movies and that they want clean ones.

Thank you again!!

Tracy Allen TX

Admin said...

Thank you so much for this movie. I was unaware of it until our priest suggested that EVERYONE needs to see it! After viewing it, my husband and I decided to do the 40 Day Love Dare. We each have a book, and we're working our way through it.

Thank you for your commitment to producing movies that are full of the truth of God's love, and your continued commitment to EXCELLENCE!

BTW, we loved "Facing the Giants", too!

Jennifer @ said...

We just went last night, with a group of seven couples, mostly from our Love & Respect summer study. Amazing, amazing show.

I was a newspaper reporter for many years, so after the movie, I had to check out the secular reviews. I found so many favorable reviews, but was struck by the reviewers who were baffled by the overt God-talk. For instance, this reviewer wrote: "... the conversion subplot feels shoehorned into the more crucial marital doings."

Note, the reviewer's definition of what was "more crucial." Which begs the question: What's more crucial in my own life? O God, am I living a life where You are the most crucial, important piece? I pray He shoehorns Himself into all places of my life.

Things look oh-so-different viewed through the lens of the cross.

Great movie! Is the soundtrack out?

Laurie said...

Hello! My husband and I saw "Fireproof" tonight and absolutely loved it. We were both crying by the time the movie was over. . . it was great and we loved the music. Thank you to everyone who put their time and effort into this movie. . . it has a very special message that is needed TODAY!

We will celebrate 32 years of marriage next month. . . we've had our ups and downs but have become stronger over the years. . .

I am going to bookmark this blog so I can receive updates and more information.

Thank you!

grammy ford said...

Married for 25years
It is hard to put into words the impact this movie had on me.After 25 years ;we both were saying that is just what you do at each other when the couple was complaining about the way their spouse treated them. What a wake up call. I never realized how much I was hurting him and he has indicated the same to me.Thn\is is an eye opener. I can't wait for this to come out ob dvd. I'm going to buy lots to copies, for my family and friends

songgirlj said...

My soon-to-be ex proposed to me on "Sweetest Day" 9 years ago. Our divorce is almost final. He works for the fire department. The movie was filled with reminders of what went wrong in our marriage. I pray that others will seek serious counseling and not give up. I tried for reconciliation, but he never even responded. He left his partner behind.