“I was in Charleston, West Virginia for a conference with my ministry partner, Ray Comfort. We were teaching Christians how to share their faith more effectively with everyday people. On Saturday night, Ray and I (and 14 others from our team) went to the 7:00 showing of FIREPROOF at a local theater. We slipped in about 30 minutes before the end, and when the credits rolled, the lights came up and I stood up and introduced myself to the audience.
“We had their rapt attention, as I’m sure its not every day people have the actor they’ve just watched appear and start talking to them. I spoke of some of the highlights of FIREPROOF, how marriage is to honored above all, and explained how the woman I kissed in the movie wasn’t Erin Bethea, but instead was my real wife who was specially flown for the scene. That was our way of honoring marriage both on and off the screen.
“Then I introduced Ray, and he preached the gospel. It was beautiful. As we made a quick exit, a tall man in his 30s ran after us and said that he wanted to surrender his life to Christ. ‘I want to be saved. I need to be saved!’ he said. We found a quiet place in the hall and prayed with him. It was sweet icing on the cake of a night.”
My husband and I saw Fireproof tonite and I thought it was amazing.
It addressed issues that we have battled with in our own lives. "Catherine" articulated my feelings to my husband through that movie better than I could speaking directly to him.
I have always liked Kirk Cameron and have been stirred by the "Way of the Master" teachings, but this movie gave me a whole new respect for his talent as an actor.
There was a pretty good turn out for the 7:20 showing in Mooresville, NC and it was encouraging to see a Christian movie doing so well.
The only drawback was that the people in the row behind us were talking through the whole movie, but whatayagonnado? I will definitely suggest it to all of my friends and family, it does a great job of explaining our need for Christ.
Thank you,
That is cool! I think it is great that Kirk kissed his own wife! :)
that is SO God!
Totally cool - I love how Kirk kissed his own wife and not the actress. Thanks for a great movie with solid values!!!!!
AWSOME, AWSOME, AWSOME..Thank for allowing the Lord to use you too help return me to him. I was so convicted that after the movie I went home to start cleaning my house (Temple)
Everything that is in the books the Lord had shown me 27yrs ago
but knowbody understood and so I gave up on my marriage. I was discourraged by many well meaning christians so BE CAREFUL!
I have made a decision to give all my children the books and a
free night out on me to see the movie.
Thank you form the bottom of my heart!!!
My husband and I saw the movie this past weekend. The kiss really threw me off. I am happy to hear that it was your real wife. I could not imagine that you would kiss another woman, even acting.The movie was so touching. I saw a tear in my husband’s eye. Now he says it was just from sitting in the dark but I know the truth. I enjoyed watching Kirk Cameron on growing pains I am so glad to see him back in the movies. I wish there were more opportunities for Kirk to play movies, but we all know that Christian roles are hard to come by. My husband and I sat and wondered how many people that are not Christians and came just to Kirk all grown up. The gospel message was so clear there was no way for someone to walk out and not get the message that we all need a savior. When I saw the parts where Caleb was talking to his dad I asked my husband, “Don’t you wish you had Godly parents to talk to when you had a problem”? I was raised by Christian grandparents (who have now gone home to be with the Lord) and we both have unsaved parents. His response was shocking. Instead of saying yes he wished he did, he said I do…. He mentioned several older couples in our church. I miss my grandparents to talk to and I am thankful for our church family. This movie shows a great relationship and how important it is to have Godly parents or other role models to talk to.
Wow. That's awesome. I pray that more people will be inspired by your example, Kirk, and be willing to do the same thing.
God is SO good! Thanks for allowing Him to use you in such life changing ways - both through the movie and your continued support of it.
Every day I hear about yet another couple who is struggling or barely hanging on. This movie can make a deep impact on couples (and individuals) in need.
Blessings from Oregon,
I had already read about the kiss...and I have to say, it was my favourite part in the whole movie, for that reason.
Awesome movie, just saw Fireproof today with my husband. People were clapping after the movie, and those who weren't were crying. Thank you Kirk for allowing God to use you to minister to His people.
Brother Kirk, Thank you for informing us of the kiss. I had heard about this before I saw the film and I applaud your honor for marriage. I can imagine how excited the audience was to see you there. :O)
Yes i think many times actors and actresses are a slave to the industry, to their bosses, and they have the mindset of 'HAVING to do ANYTHING' for their character. But you can't separate yourself from what your willing to do for your job. I was very inspired by the fact that you honor God in your movies Kirk and kissed your wife in that scene. It's good to know who your REAL Provider is and follow Him! Thanks for being a blessing and a living testimony to us all!
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